Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to draw a crescent moon mandala- Easy and simple step by step tutorial (Art Lesson 132)

how to draw a crescent moon mandala
Learn how to draw a crescent moon mandala in this easy to follow tutorial. It is divided into very simple steps accompanied with descriptive images.

Welcome to my Blog!
Mandalas to color
I am Maria hajj a meditative art teacher, a coloring book illustrator, a Youtuber and a blogger.
If you are a fan of Meditative mandala coloring books then please scroll down to find the links to my books.
Follow me on Instagram: @mandala_art_bymaria
Follow me on Pinterest:@mandalabymaria
Follow me on Facebook: @workshopsbymaria
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel
In a world of daily stress and endless demands, we find ourselves constantly stressed and overwhelmed. We try our best to add healthy habits to our routine in order to reduce the tension. The first thing we think of is exercising, which is the number one technique in cleaning the body from toxins and increasing the levels of the " Happy hormone". But do we always have the time and energy to exercise? I know I don't. I have struggle for month trying to add an hour a day to exercise. But with my hectic lifestyle it was truly hard to do so. So the next best thing to target in order to relieve your body from poisonous energy is art. 
You might be thinking now:" well she has been going on and on about time and busy life, then how can we find time for art"
Well, dear, you're right! You might think that art requires a certain special set up, a perfect and beautiful drawing table and lots of artistic knowledge. But no! Meditative arts is not about that. All you really need is to sit comfortably, hold a drawing pad and a pen in your hand and draw. 
If you are not in the mood of drawing a mandala with a grid you can draw it free hand. You can even doodle, spiral doodle, etc. 
More than 130 tutorials are available on my channel and here on this blog for you to enjoy!

  • A4 white paper or cardboard
  • Sharpened Pencil
  • 0.2 drawing pen, black (Uni pin)
  • Compass
  • Eraser
  • 12" Ruler
Below you will find all the steps needed to draw the crescent moon mandala. The pictures and the description below each one are very helpful for beginners.

Step 1: Mark the center of your paper
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 2: Trace a 10 cm radius circle
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 3: Mark a point at the border of the circle.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 4: From this point draw another 10 cm radius circle.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 5: Erase the line outside the crescent.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 6: Draw a grid inside of the crescent. Trace 8 circles that have the following radii: 1.5, 3.5, 5, 6, 6.2, 7.5, 8.5, 8.7 cm.
Then trace grid lines separated by 10 degrees.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 7: Trace a very small circle of a 0.2 cm radius and color it in black.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala
Step 8: On the first row, draw one regular petal on each two grid sections.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 9: On the second row, draw a large tear drop that starts from the intersection of the previous petals, then draw one small tear drop on each side of it. Repeat this step on the whole row.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 10: Retrace the outline of the 3.5 cm radius circle. Color the blank spaces in black.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 11: On the third row, draw one regular petal on each 2 grid sections. Decorate the inside of each petal with arcs. Color the blanks in black.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 12: Between each large petal, draw a smaller petal that has a double outline as shown in the picture below.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 13: On the 4th row, draw one pointed petal on each two grid section.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 14: Between each two pointed petals, draw a tear drop.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 15: At the inner top of each pointed petal draw an empty circle.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 16: Retrace the outlines of the 6 and 6.2 cm circles.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 17: Next, draw one arc petal on each grid section.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 18: On the next row, draw one regular petal on each 2 grid sections, holding within to arc petals from the precious row.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 19: Draw one tear drop between each two large petals.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 20: Decorate the inside of the petals with a leaf pattern as shown in the picture below.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 21: Color the tear drops in black.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 22: Retrace the outline of the 8.5 and 8.7 cm radius circle.

Step 23: On the last row, draw one large regular petal on each two grid sections.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 24: Decorate one side of these petals with tear drops as shown in the picture below.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Step 25: Draw a tear drop between each two petals.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

Final step: Retrace the outline of the crescent moon mandala.
how to draw a crescent moon mandala

The Video Tutorial
My Meditative Coloring Books
Besides being a meditative art teacher, I illustrate and publish meditative mandala coloring books. Coloring a mandala is a very relaxing and simple activity that can be your gateway to meditative arts.
I hope that you will choose to add these books to your collection.
Mandalas to color


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***** Welcome to my Blog! I am Maria hajj a meditative art teacher, a coloring book illustrator, a Youtuber and a blogger. If y...