Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Mandala art

The sentence I hear the most during my days is :Oh my God how can you draw that! If it was me, I would lose my mind!
My answer is always: Anyone, and everyone can draw a Mandala. You just need to learn two things, how to discipline the steps you follow, and how to discipline your physical and mental attitude while practicing this art.

For the past year and a half my mission was to prove that, in fact, anyone can draw , whether it was a Mandala, a Zendala, or anything in that circle of art. And I have made humongous changes in peoples lives when it comes to their relationship with art.
My main concern was to be able to deliver the message that every person, every single person on this earth, is creative. 
And creativity is different than a talent. 

You might not be talented in drawing portraits or painting a landscape but you are surely creative in your own special way. And you also have to know that the way you use colors and assemble patterns is a physical manifestation of your soul. 
So you are strictly not allowed to judge that choice you make. Like saying " I'm not good at choosing colors" "I don't know how to use colors"
Yes, you do know, but the problem is that your mind and soul are not aligned. Because for a long while, you have forgotten about your soul and the beautiful messages it has to deliver through you.
Your soul has a lot to say, and what better way to say it than through art.

This art is crucial as it builds a bridge between your soul and mind, a bridge that needs restoration due to all the events you have lived in your life and all the hustle you find yourself in, that, usually, dismisses the importance of a soul, and concentrates mainly on the body, the physical appearance, not even on the mind. And you find, while advancing in age, that your mind and soul are getting tired and old as they have been neglected.

I put this blog and my youtube channel at your service, to take a step towards proving to yourself that you can do it because there is a very creative artist hiding inside of you.
Remember that I am always more than happy to answer your questions and give you the needed guidance to accomplish the art projects offered on both sites.

I will now leave you to watch this beautiful Mandala art and hope that you will enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed shooting it.

Just before I leave, I would like to introduce you to my books that you can find on Amazon. These books are very precious to my hearts as I have put my soul into them. 

Mandala coloring book
The first book "Mandala coloring book by Maria hajj" is very special for two reasons: first reason is that it was my first published book, and the second reason is that I have included in it my very first 2 Mandalas.

Summer mandala coloring book
My second book "Summer Mandala book" is beautiful in this time of year with everything happening around the world, and having to stay locked down in our homes instead of taking vacations and enjoying those beautiful summer vibes. So this book, with all it's summery icons, will put you in the mood for summer.

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Mandala Tutorial n. 144 | How to Draw a Yin Yang Mandala | A Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners

***** Welcome to my Blog! I am Maria hajj a meditative art teacher, a coloring book illustrator, a Youtuber and a blogger. If y...